01252 714276 office@rockchoir.com

Connaught @ Christmas

by | Dec 11, 2022 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

When: 11 December 2022 at 5:00 pm

This performance had Rock Choir members from the Exmouth & Exeter and Honiton choirs led by their choir leader Vikki Hewitt. Vikki said ‘The choir members did so well, everyone was truly professional in their performance and deserved to be up there.’ This was FREE to attend. There were a few members from other nearby choirs there to help and sing on the day. Huge thanks to everyone who helped.

Performance location: Connaught Gardens Bandstand, Peak Hill Road, Sidmouth, EX10 8RU

Price: FREE

Got a cool picture of the Concert and happy to share it with your fellow Rockies? Upload it here! (not active yet)

About the choir

The Exmouth & Exeter and Honiton choirs are a huge part of their community. The local choirs are led by choir leader Vikki Hewitt.

Like what you see? You too can join the choir in Exmouth & Exeter and Honiton or our other choirs across the whole of the UK to make new friends, have adventures and get involved in singing locally.

Here is a quote about our choir – ‘It is what gets me through the week. Rock Choir is real and should be available on the NHS.’ – Sue (Rock Choir Member)

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Or you can call us on 01252 714276

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Designated photographer – Upload 1 or more pics below

I’ll check and pop them on this page for members to enjoy! Thanks for your collaboration on this!